We went on a Mexican vacation with Eric this year! The Vandenbergs, Mom & Dad, Sarah & Jac all went. We did miss Oma this year though :(
We Heart Cabo!
Eric did so well on the flights despite the waking up at 2am & the connections....
We are so lucky to have him!

Eric is truly "laketime"!!!

Auntie Sarah & Eric taking a walk on the beach!

Eric loved looking out the window at the ocean everyday!

Eric watched the sunset everyday & was up before the sunrise everyday!

Could we ask for a happier baby!?

Trying to get his shadow

Eric loved his Mexican crib- especially when Oma JR
was knitting or reading books right next to him!

Can we move here please?

We ate right when we got to our resort- Eric was hungray & raring to make a mess! Eric did love how his Mexican highchair was super high so he could see eye to eye with the rest of us!

We couldnt get this boy out of the water! He is like a fish!

Proud Grandparents Opa & Oma JR

We all went to the Mexican kids party with Eric! He had so much fun!!

This strolling is in for a good washing once we get home!

Don't worry Uncle Jac! Eric loves the GB Packers as much as you do!
Well, maybe not quite that much yet....

Auntie Sarah & Uncle Jac with Eric in his Wetsuit!

Fun Times!

Gotta love the view

Opa & Hank

This is Model material!

Hank (Eric) and Mommy

Eric is so smart that he was grabbing the sand off his feet &
eating it because we would not let him eat it when he would grab it with his hands!

Hot Stuff!